MusikArt Conrad
WorteArt Conrad

There is something 'bout a ukulele, | Proper thing to serenade a lady | If you want to make her care for you | When you've picked a sweetie and a love song | There is only one thing left to do Oh

Say it with a ukulele, | lay aside the fiddle and the bow; | strum a tune from Sunny Honolulu | And you're bound to win | the sweetest girl you know | Play it while your hum so gaily | Make your music haunt her night an' day.

Say it with a wicked ukulele, | If you want to steal a flapper's heart away – way | Where you're out to win a nifty baby | Doing all you can t make her fall | If she always keeps on saying „maybe“ | You have tried the wrong approach that's all | Teach yourself to use a nimble finger | Climb up on that girlie's garden wall | And

Say it with a ukulele, | Say it in a Hula Hula way | Play a tune up on your ladies' heart strings | With Hawaiian melodies so sweet and gay | No Need for a grand piano | Saxophones and jazz have had their day | Say it with a wicked ukulele, | If you want to steal a flapper's heart away – way | Just

Say it with a ukulele | No one can resist its sweet appeal | Something so delightful | in its strumming | Even dear Grand-Ma shakes a nasty heel | Every little girl on Broadway | Cries for hula music day by day

Say it with a wicked ukulele, | If you want to steal a flapper's heart away – way | Syncopation Whooh | Some sensation Whooh | Great creation Whooh | Wonderful strain | Pretty Melody | Easy as can be, | Listen once again