Berger, Heinrich (Henri)

Heinrich Berger

(Henri) 4.8.1844–14.10.1929

Berger came to Hawaii in 1872 as a Prussian military bandmaster at the suggestion of the German Emperor to direct the local Royal Hawaiian Band. Under his direction, the band became an internationally recognized orchestra. Berger also composed a number of pieces known to this day (including the Hawaiian national anthem). Berger, who maintained the best relations with the royal family, granted the ukulele a full-fledged place in his orchestra. He stayed in Hawaii until his death.




Akt zur Ehrung Bergers auf Hawaii (2003)
mit Gebet, „Ich hatt' einen Kameraden“ und „Lobt Gott, den Herrn der Herrlichkeit“

Hawaii Ponoi Ukulele Tutorial