Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Quellen zur Geschichte der Ukulele: 1879-1929
- ayed "Yankee doodle" on the violin, guitar, [[vok:banjo|banjo]] and [[vok:ukulele|ukulele]] ... The guitar, banjo and ukulele accompaniment added much to the musical ... f the Harvard freshmen [[vok:Glee Club|glee]] and banjo clubs for the benefit of the freshman crew was gi
- Sources of the History of the Ukulele: 1879-1929 @en
- d "Yankee doodle" on the violin, guitar, [[en:vok:banjo|banjo]] and [[en:vok:ukulele|ukulele]] ... The guitar, banjo and ukulele accompaniment added much to the music... d freshmen [[en:vok:Glee Club|glee]] and [[en:vok:banjo]] clubs for the benefit of the freshman crew was
- Quellen zur Geschichte der Ukulele: 1930-1979
- the money in the cash register as well as a [[vok:banjo|banjo]] and a [[vok:ukulele|ukulele]]. >The former Ziegfeld follies((Berühmte Revue am Broadway mit jähr... n.)) girl is known to have been fond of the [[vok:banjo|banjo]] and ukulele, which she played professionally. //[[
- Sources of the History of the Ukulele: 1930-1979 @en
- the money in the cash register as well as a [[vok:banjo|banjo]] and a [[vok:ukulele|ukulele]]. >The former Ziegfeld follies((Berühmte Revue am Broadway mit jähr... n.)) girl is known to have been fond of the [[vok:banjo|banjo]] and ukulele, which she played professionally. //[[
- Banjo @vok
- ===== Banjo ===== {{page>kopf:vok:banjo&nofooter&nolink&nodate&nouser&nomdate&noeditbutton}} <grid> <col sm="8"> <panel title="Bilder und Videos"> {{page>videos:vok:banjo&nofooter&nolink&nodate&nouser&nomdate&noeditbutto... l> <col sm="4"> <panel> Im Normalfall besitzt ein Banjo fünf [[vok:Saite|Saiten]]. In den 1920er Jahren w
- banjo @en:vok
- ===== banjo ===== {{page>kopf:vok:banjo&nofooter&nolink&nodate&nouser&nomdate&noeditbutton}} <grid> <col sm="8"> <pa... el title="Pictures and Videos"> {{page>videos:vok:banjo&nofooter&nolink&nodate&nouser&nomdate&noeditbutto... } </panel> </col> <col sm="4"> <panel> Normally a banjo has five [[en:vok:Saite]]s. In the 1920s, instrum
- Ukulelen in der Literatur
- ming: Put Away That Ukelele and Bring Out the Old Banjo"> ^Sarah Lee Brown Fleming (1876--1963) {{flag:us... nd zum Instrument ihrer eigenen Kultur, dem [[vok:Banjo]], zurückzukehren.|| I.\\ Don't you hear old Orph... [[vok:ukulele|ukelele]] and play on the old [[vok:banjo|banjo]],\\ Those Honolulu jingles, like the [[vok:my dog has fleas|dog]], has had its day,\\ Go put the
- The Ukulele in Literature @en
- ming: Put Away That Ukelele and Bring Out the Old Banjo"> ^Sarah Lee Brown Fleming (1876--1963) {{flag:us... the instrument of their own culture, the [[en:vok:banjo]].|| I.\\ Don't you hear old Orpheus calling to y... n:vok:ukulele|ukelele]] and play on the old [[vok:banjo|banjo]],\\ Those Honolulu jingles, like the [[en:vok:my dog has fleas|dog]], has had its day,\\ Go put t
- banjo @videos:vok
- direct}} \\ [[vok:zigarrenkiste|Zigarrenkisten]]-Banjo in Kopenhagen \\ [[en:vok:zigarrenkiste]] Banjo in Copenhagen (2016) * {{ 67_39f31608e7_c.jpg?440 direct}} \\ Postkarte mit Banjo-Ukulele \\ Postcard with Banjo-Ukulele (Frankreich/France? ca. 1940) * {{img:006.jpg?direct 440}} \\ V
- Die Simpsons und die Ukulele @kunst
- t einem Landstreicher, der ihnen auf seiner [[vok:banjo|Banjo-Ukulele]] -- dem Klischee nach das Musikinstrument der amerikanischen Landstreicher -- eine Countr... h ist das eigentlich Unsinn, denn das viersaitige Banjo entstand als Instrument des [[stil:Jazz]]. </pan... Staffel 14, Episode 19"> Erneut taucht die [[vok:banjo|Banjo-Ukulele]] in dieser Folge vom 4.5.2003 auf:
- The Simpsons and the Ukulele @en:kunst
- in a train and meets a hobo who, on his [[en:vok:banjo|banjo ukulele]] -- stereotypically the musical instrument of the American hobo --, plays a country balla... owever, this is nonsense, because the four-string banjo emerged as an instrument of [[en:stil:jazz]]. </... Season 14, episode 19"> Once again, the [[en:vok:banjo|banjo ukulele]] appears in this episode from May
- Ukulele @vok
- riginal-Ukulele", Ukulele in Ananasform und [[vok:banjo|Banjo-Ukulele]] * {{ 150}} \\ Deutsche A... > </panel> <panel title="Sonderformen"> * [[vok:banjo]] * [[vok:harfe]] * [[vok:resonator]] * [[v... wörtliche Auslegung des Namens für das heimische Banjo.(([[
- ukulele @en:vok
- inal Ukulele", a pineapple shaped Ukulele and a [[banjo|banjo ukulele]]. * {{img:029.jpg?direct 150}} \\ English depiction * {{ anel> <panel title="Special Ukulele Types"> * [[banjo]] * [[zigarrenkiste]] * [[harfe]] * [[reson... literal interpretation of the name for the native banjo(([[
- Ojoge, Daniel @bio
- Nigeria. Ojoge spielte dabei [[vok:ukulele]] und Banjo; andere Begleitinstrument für Juju waren Gitarre ... angsjahren bestanden die Juju-Ensembles aus [[vok:banjo|Ukulele-Banjo]], Gitarre, Tamburin und einem Sekere((Eine Art Rassel in der Yoruba-Musik.)). In den 1930