de und leitereigene (diatonische) Auflösungen]])) Chords are used to add [[en:vok:harmonie]] to a [[en:vok:melodie]]. What type of chords are used depends heavily on the taste of the age ... ontain regular patterns of sequence of particular chords called [[en:vok:akkordfolge|chord progression]].
... gemeine musikalische Zeitung// 4 (1827), S. 139))
Chords are build by stacking several notes in certain [[
books]] with [[vok:ukulele|ukelele]] [[vok:akkord|chords]] of Popular [[vok:hawaii|Hawaiian]] Songs (//[[s... ut somehow or other when I play, the [[vok:Akkord|chords]] don't seem to fit. You know how big and clumsy ... little brown book full of songs and [[vok:akkord|chords]]. And there'll be plenty more in it when this wa... e was too easy to play. Four or five [[vok:akkord|chords]], readily mastered, was all that was required fo
books]] with [[vok:ukulele|ukelele]] [[vok:akkord|chords]] of Popular [[vok:hawaii|Hawaiian]] Songs (//[[s... e was too easy to play. Four or five [[vok:akkord|chords]], readily mastered, was all that was required fo... s include [[vok:ukulele]] and guitar [[vok:akkord|chords]] on all popular [[vok:leitblatt|sheet music]]. W... l pop sheet music to carry the ukulele and guitar chords. Lately, some pubs have been printing the chords.
has perhaps learned one to three [[en:vok:akkord|chords]] but stops in-between chord changes to move the ... el):** A student at this level knows a handful of chords and can move from one chord to another without pa... ythmus]] and is competent with a variety of basic chords. Understands simple [[en:vok:akkordfolge|chord progressions]] (such as I, IV, V chords), can sing and [[en:vok:schlagen|strum]] at the s
<panel title="Chords">
The outstanding characteristic of this style of arrangement is the use of [[Akkord|chords]] that will usually be [[Arpeggio|arpeggiated]] o... skipped (if it is not part of the melody); thus, chords are of realized as [[Mehrfachgriff#Double stop|do... y with [[Plektrum|picks]] and thus could not play chords with more than two notes.
On a guitar, the melod
teady pace, even if I play alone.</col>
<col sm="3">**1:** It's hard for me to grab chords at all.</col>
<col sm="3">**2:** I know some chords and can slowly switch between them.</col>
<col sm="3">**3:** I know all the important chords and can switch between them with practice.</col>
sorted according to category, difficulty etc.
== Chords ==
* [[|Uku-Chords]]
* [[|Ukulele-Hunt]]
== References ==
* //Ukulele Chord Encyc... iger]] --- Introducing the most important Ukulele chords by teaching 36 simple folk songs
* Mattischeck,
chart]], improvising, and being able to call out chords by the numbers is likewise a practical skill for ... acher's [[en:vok:greifhand|hand]], memorizing the chords and trying to play them on their [[en:vok:ukulele... re">
== A teachable song ==
>uses [[en:vok:akkord|chords]] that are easily played on the [[en:vok:ukulele]... den:saiten_singen|harmony singing]] and suspended chords. ... \\ Be discerning and purposeful in choosing
tic, regular sequences of certain [[en:vok:akkord|chords]]. They are based on the basic key of a piece and... harmony theory (see => [[en:vok:tonleiter]]). The chords usually change after one half, one whole two whol... helbel sequence]], which leads through all common chords and is therefore particularly suitable for practi... kshop]])) contains a number of elementary ukulele chords. It begins with a major cadence (1451) and enters
oard chart for D7 chord with full barre ==
<class chords>2bbb2.23</class>
<col sm="6">
== Fretboard... hart for C minor chord with small barre ==
<class chords>03bb33.</class>
<panel title="Exam...
* [[|Brett McQueens tips for barre chords]]
usic, harmony is realized through [[en:vok:akkord|chords]].
Metaphorically said,
>melody is the body, and... change."((Willimek / Willimek 1997: 12)) In major chords, the listener feels a certain tension, but agrees... however, he does not emotionally agree with minor chords. "The experience of listening to a minor chord co... determined the effects of certain [[en:vok:Akkord|chords]] to be universal.
=== Emotional Effects of Harm