

Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

10 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
l title="Sizes"> >The two most common choices for classroom instruments are the [[en:vok:sopran]] and [[e... e at least a few concert size instruments in your classroom set. \\ --- Concert size is not too large and... t_MartyGross_UkeInTheClassroom.pdf|Ukulele in the Classroom]])) >One of the distinct advantages of a sch... ]] is perhaps the most advantageous for the music classroom, given the twelve tones of the chromatic [[en
seating configuration
8 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
g configuration ===== >[[en:vok:ukulele|Ukulele]] classes should be held if at all possible in a classroom setting. The classroom should be brightly lit and should contain a blackboard and piano. The blackbo... iano, while not totally necessary for the ukulele class, is of great assistance in teaching the ukulele s
8 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ity, invite him/her to your parent meeting and/or classroom. Or bring in a ukulele group to share their [... f playing and methods for understanding the book((Classroom Ukulele Method by J. C. Doane -- Ed.))---how ... skeptics were people who had a [[en:stil:klassik|classical]] background. And they saw [my ukulele progra... e an audience perhaps after they had studied in a class for a year... some people thought that was a terr
saiten_singen @en:didaktik:methoden
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Ukulele Yes!// 5 (1980), 12)) - One half of the class sings the [[en:vok:melodie]] of a piece, while th... ormed by a C major [[en:vok:Akkord]], half of the class sings at this point the high C. - The entire class plays all the chords of the song, but only the note... ece can play with very few notes. - Half of the class now plays the full chords, the other sings the me
leading a group
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Chalmers Doane|Chalmers Doane]]((//Ukukele in the Classroom//. Teacher Edition, t. 1. Chrystal Lake Media... re about what they //permitted// to happen in the class and what they //wouldn't// permit to happen in the class than what they taught. [[en:bio:john chalmers do... on"> >It is impossible to give each student in a class the same amount of attention during every lesson.
social aspects
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Chalmers Doane|Chalmers Doane]]((//Ukukele in the Classroom//. Teacher Edition, t. 1. Chrystal Lake Media... ho were less successful and frustrated in regular classroom work suddenly developed unexpected abilities ... These achievements were always recognized by the classmates, which had a good influence on the self-esteem of those affected. Their position in the classroom improved and it became apparent that they wer
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
<panel title="Preparation"> >People learn more in class from each other than they ever learn from the tea... Chalmers Doane|Chalmers Doane]]((//Ukukele in the Classroom//. Teacher Edition, t. 1. Chrystal Lake Media... With little or no reinforcement happening outside class, providing //accommodations// or //modifications/
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ss|fun]]! Adults are not obligated to attend your classes, they choose to. So at the end of the day, you ... are sometimes only there because it's their music class, or their parents want them to take music lessons... And that creates a very different dynamic in the classroom because you don't have to convince adult stud
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
re ===== <jumbotron> ===Make your decisions about classroom repertoire based on what you believe your stu... relude.htm|Test of Time: Traditional Songs in the Classroom]]". In: //Ukulele Yes!// 8:9 (2009) )) </jumb... lend themselves naturally to the ukulele and the classroom teaching context. [[en:bio:James Hill|James
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:|Ukulele in the Classroom]]. In: //TEACH//)) </jumbotron> <accordion> <... rprised me most was not that I used my ukulele in class, it was that I found myself picking it up at home
potential of the ukulele
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ty"> >The [[en:vok:ukulele]] in the general music classroom in the intermediate grades is practical becau... nt when the uke is accepted and welcomed into the classroom. Marjorie Pulley((Pulley, Marjorie: "The Ukul
internal differentiation
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Chalmers Doane|Chalmers Doane]]((//Ukukele in the Classroom//. Teacher Edition, t. 1. Chrystal Lake Media
left-handed players
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ded players ===== >I do not allow "lefties" in my classroom. No [[en:vok:ukulele|ukes]] are tuned backwar
practising effectively
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
the ukulele also represents freedom. Freedom from classical and traditional ways of playing and learning.
picking versus strumming
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Chalmers Doane|Chalmers Doane]]((//Ukukele in the Classroom//. Teacher Edition, t. 1. Chrystal Lake Media
Self-Assessment @en:didaktik:differenzierung
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
multimedialitaet @en:didaktik:methoden
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert: