Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Quellen zur Geschichte der Ukulele: 1879-1929
- meo>107944942?small}} | | //Evening Bulletin// (Honolulu, Hawaii) {{flag:hawaii.png}}, 16.3.1895, S. 7 | ... No imitations made abroad. //The Hawaiian Star// (Honolulu, Hawaii) {{flag:hawaii.png}}, 246.1895, S. 1 </p... r, that has shared my fortunes ever since we left Honolulu. He leaned toward me with an engaging smile. "Lad... sports and merriment, one of the “characters” of Honolulu. In his gay, frank smile one divines the reason w
- Sources of the History of the Ukulele: 1879-1929 @en
- {{img:174.jpg?direct 300}} //Evening Bulletin// (Honolulu, Hawaii) {{flag:hawaii.png}}, 16.3.1895, S. 7 ==... No imitations made abroad. //The Hawaiian Star// (Honolulu, Hawaii) {{flag:hawaii.png}}, 246.1895, S. 1 ===... r, that has shared my fortunes ever since we left Honolulu. He leaned toward me with an engaging smile. "Lad... sports and merriment, one of the “characters” of Honolulu. In his gay, frank smile one divines the reason w
- Quellen zur Geschichte der Ukulele: 1930-1979
- ards|Cliff Edwards]] ("Ukulele Ike") doesn't like Honolulu, home of the [[vok:ukulele|uke]]. He went there r... eryone's stealing my stuff now," he wailed. "Even Honolulu is swarming with people who play ukes and sing. R... orchestra which performed under his direction in Honolulu. Comprising nearly 70 players and 10 nationalitie... neesch, doch Europeesch. (...) >In de lokalen van Honolulu kunnen de blanken de muziek hooren, die zij hoore
- Sources of the History of the Ukulele: 1930-1979 @en
- ards|Cliff Edwards]] ("Ukulele Ike") doesn't like Honolulu, home of the [[vok:ukulele|uke]]. He went there r... eryone's stealing my stuff now," he wailed. "Even Honolulu is swarming with people who play ukes and sing. R... orchestra which performed under his direction in Honolulu. Comprising nearly 70 players and 10 nationalitie... neesch, doch Europeesch. (...) >In de lokalen van Honolulu kunnen de blanken de muziek hooren, die zij hoore
- Ukulelen in der Literatur
- le="Richard Hamilton Potts: Kumalea: A romance of Honolulu"> ^Richard Hamilton Potts {{flag:usa.png}}^1893^ ... niversity Press 2010, S. 70--71| William Jones to Honolulu went and on the beach \\ Feeling tender \\ Spied a slender \\ Hula Honolulu peach. \\ Tho' he knew no \\ Honolulu talk, her heart knew best; \\ She kept [[vok:schlagen|strumming]], so
- The Ukulele in Literature @en
- le="Richard Hamilton Potts: Kumalea: A romance of Honolulu"> ^Richard Hamilton Potts {{flag:usa.png}}^1893^ ... iversity Press 2010, pp. 70--71| William Jones to Honolulu went and on the beach \\ Feeling tender \\ Spied a slender \\ Hula Honolulu peach. \\ Tho' he knew no \\ Honolulu talk, her heart knew best; \\ She kept [[en:vok:schlagen|strumming]],
- ukulele @bibtex
- Nunes, Angeline F.}, editor = {}, howpublished = {Honolulu: Santos-Nunes Studios}, address = {Honolulu}, month = {}, year = {1915}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, chapter... h = {5}, key = {Geschichte}, url = {}, address = {Honolulu}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5177, mypath = {7549000051... year = {2004}, type = {Dissertation}, address = {Honolulu}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, annote = {}, }
- Nunes, Manuel @bio
- ium von Funchal ausgebildet und ließ sich 1879 in Honolulu nieder. Zu dieser Zeit erfand er die [[vok:Ukulel... her wurde er führender Hersteller von Ukulelen in Honolulu und vertreibt sie in verschiedenen Teilen der Ver... ial achievement in the Hawaiian Islands//. Bd. 1. Honolulu: Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1917 S. 204--205 </panel> </accordion> </col> <col sm="8"> <panel title="Videos"> {
- Nunes, Manuel @en:bio
- primary and high school of Funchal and settled in Honolulu in 1879, at which time he invented and introduced... becoming the leading manufacturer of ukuleles in Honolulu, distributing them in different parts of the Unit... ial achievement in the Hawaiian Islands//. Bd. 1. Honolulu: Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1917 S. 204--205 </panel> </accordion> </col> <col sm="8"> <panel title="Videos"> {
- Ka'ai, Ernest @bio
- l achievement in the Hawaiian Islands]]//, Bd. 1. Honolulu: Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1917, S. 157--158 * Kurokawa, Yoko: //Yearning for a Distant Music: Consumption o... awaiian Music and Dance in Japan.// Dissertation. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i 2004, S. 23--26 </panel> <
- leporello @text
- wiz? \\ —New York Sun. \\ [The Ukulele] (O Luso [Honolulu], 16.5.1916:5. \\ Auch nachgedruckt in [[http://m... w Minister for Health that the Ukulele fever from Honolulu has already attacked many Australians, and was ne... where the man who invented the ukulele is dead in Honolulu," observed Mr. Dubwaite. \\ "Is that so!" exclaim
- ukulele_lady @downloads:song
- sm="6"> I saw the splendor of the moonlight \\ On Honolulu Bay \\ There's something tender in the moonlight \\ On Honolulu Bay \\ \\ And all the beaches are filled with p... \\ \\ She used to sing to me by moonlight \\ On Honolulu Bay \\ Fond memories cling to me by moonlight \
- Ka'ai, Ernest @en:bio
- l achievement in the Hawaiian Islands]]//, Bd. 1. Honolulu: Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1917, S. 157--158 * Kurokawa, Yoko: //Yearning for a Distant Music: Consumption o... awaiian Music and Dance in Japan.// Dissertation. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i 2004, S. 23--26 </panel> <
- film @text
- - Hawaiian Holiday -- Mickey Mouse (USA 1937) - Honolulu (USA 1939) - Pest from The West (USA 1939) - Honolulu (USA 1939) </panel> <panel title="1940–1949"> -
- Waikīkī @vok:hawaii
- =Waikiki== Name eines berühmten Badestrandes nahe Honolulu auf O'ahu. Wörtl. "Wasser ([[wai]])-sprudelt ([[k... > ==Waikiki== Name of a famous bathing beach near Honolulu on O'ahu. Literally: "Water ([[wai]]) bubbles ([[