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6 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
:klangholz:Palisander]], it is also used for deep sounding woodwind instruments. It is characterized by b... ness in basses and is considered to be tight. Its sound is clear and brilliant. Maple is often offered in... hat I personally consider to be the most suitable sounding wood; it still seems to give the lyrical [[en:... hole gamut. Yet guitarists believe that all maple sounds the same, which goes against the rules they have
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ones and dark basses. It produces somewhat softer sounds than [[en:vok:klangholz:Ebenholz]]. As many spec... uge difference, and there are plenty of excellent sounding East Indian rosewood guitars around. Also, Eas... zed that mahogany and koa will produce a "warmer" sound in a guitar than the more brittle [[vok:klangholz
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
tars and ukuleles. It's hard, stiff and bright in sound. <panel> <carousel> * {{img:267.jpg?120x120}} <... . Also, with players who want a brighter rosewood sound with a little less but still a strong low end and
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
l> <panel title="Appraisal"> >An underrated wood. Sounds like [[ahorn]], but warmer in the highs. This is
11 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
sch]] guitars or [[en:vok:ukulele|ukuleles]]. Its sound changes with time. <panel> <carousel> * {{img:0... luthiers as having the **optimum elasticity** for sound reproduction. >Spruce gives a **bright, loud sound**, while cedar is less bright but with more [[en:vok:... s. These two are used for the [[en:vok:Decke|top (soundboard)]] but not the [[en:vok:Boden]] or [[en:vok:
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
humid locations. Their moist wood is lighter and sounds more balanced than dry ash wood and is therefore
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
uments. It is extremely heavy and produces harder sounds than [[en:vok:klangholz:Palisander]]. <panel> <c
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
:Klangholz]] for [[en:vok:ukulele|Ukuleles]]. Its sound is clear and distinct. <panel> <carousel infinite... {{img:089.jpg?120x120}} * {{mp3:kh_koa.mp3}} \\ Sound of a [[en:vok:Tenor]] ukulele with koa [[en:vok:k... e most attractive (especially the curly koa). The sound is often described as "woody" which roughly trans... zed that mahogany and koa will produce a "warmer" sound in a guitar than the more brittle [[en:vok:klangh
11 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Soft and elastic [[en:vok:klangholz]] with a warm sound that is attuned relatively quickly. A particularl... requency ranges. However, many guitars with cedar sound a bit bass-heavy and characterless despite a very... n#overtones]], which is probably due to a too low sound level or too short a [en:vok:sustain]] in medium frequencies. Remarkable is the sound behavior of a (good) cedar guitar in big rooms: t
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
096.jpg?120x^^120}} * {{mp3:kh_walnuss.mp3}} \\ Sound of a [[en:vok:Tenor]] ukulele with walnut [[en:vo... zed that mahogany and koa will produce a "warmer" sound in a guitar than the more brittle [[en:vok:klangh
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
brown (hence also called //Gabon mahogany//). Its sound is likened to [[en:vok:klangholz:ahorn]]. In inst
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
k; the fungus is dried out during processing. Its sound is considered more lovely than [[en:vok:klangholz
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
mdate&noeditbutton}} A [[en:vok:Klangholz]] whose sound is considered warm, even and unobtrusive. It is l... 90.jpg?120x^^120}} * {{mp3:kh_mahagoni.mp3}} \\ Sound of a [[en:vok:Tenor]] ukulele with mahogany [[en:... zed that mahogany and koa will produce a "warmer" sound in a guitar than the more brittle [[vok:klangholz
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
substitute for [[en:vok:klangholz:walnuss]]. The sound of ovangkol in [[en:vok:ukulele]]s is described a