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- tone and sound @en:vok
- they move. <accordion> <panel title="Waves on a String"> If pressure is exerted on a tensioned [[en:vo... the "source of interference" and back again; the string begins to vibrate, creating a wave of "mountains"... preads over the entire free-running length of the string. At each vibration, it sets one wavelength. Such ... ibrations per second) depends on how strongly the string is stretched and how heavy or dense the string is
- string @en:vok
- ===== string ===== {{page>kopf:vok:saite&nofooter&nolink&nodate&nouser&nomdate&noeditbutton}} A string is a thread made of natural (gut or silk), synthe... ass) materials. Fixed to a musical instrument, a string produces a [[en:vok:ton#sound]] when it is made v... on the tension, the radius and the length of the string. The length of the strings is standardized in mos
- tuning @en:vok
- see also [[en:vok:akkord]]). <grid> <col sm="6"> String intervals in [[lowg|linear]] [[Stimmung]] {{img:c6l_akk_en.jpg?direct}} </col> <col sm="6"> String intervals in [[highg|reentrant]] [[Stimmung]] {{i... called the **scordatura**. If you tune the first string one tone lower than usual (in C6: A->G, in D6: B-... hord (C major or D major). If you tune the fourth string one tone higher, you get another //open tuning//:
- chord @en:vok
- rtain [[en:vok:intervall|intervals]]. In the four-string [[en:vok:ukulele]], they can appear as [[#triads]... chords//) exist: * root position (root note on string 3) * 1<sup>st</sup> inversion (root note on string 1) * 2<sup>nd</sup> inversion (root note on string 2) <grid> <col sm="6"> == Example: C Major == <carou
- lute @en:vok
- brought from Mesopotamia up to 120 cm long three-string long-necked lutes. It stayed there even after the... Finding the perfect guitar shape"> In contrast to string instruments and lutes, the guitar remained a chal... individual strings from the 18th century. A sixth string was added, and E--A--d--g--b--e' became the stand... g. At the court of Weimar in 1790 an Italian five-string guitar was rebuilt into a six-string, spread thro
- chord diagram @en:vok
- >, 3<sup>rd</sup>, 2<sup>nd</sup>, 1<sup>st</sup> string; thus, in C6 [[stimmung]]: G-C-E-A). Then the hor... e top line is either the zero fret (i.e. the open string) or, if there is a (mostly Roman) number next to ... ite points above the first fret indicate an empty string, an X at this point indicates a string to be [[dämpfen|damped]]. Below the string lines, the numbers of
- action @en:vok
- In the 12th [[en:vok:bund]], the distance between string and fret should be about 2.5 to 3.0 mm. Higher st... pending on the thickness of the strings used (a C string should therefore be higher than an A string). The position of the strings is controlled by the height of... ned. There are special {{pdf:mat:saitenlehre.pdf|string action gauges}} available for adjusting string he
- Quellen zur Geschichte der Ukulele: 1879-1929
- t in a month than he could with a guitar or other string instrument in a year. A shipment of these popular... n, some time back, and the addition of the fourth string was my idea. Also I make them with five and eight... obligato with almost every number. This toy-like string instrument, made of the [[vok:klangholz:koa|koa]]... oft and haunting beauty in the mellow [[vok:saite|string]]-tone, which owes but little to the resonance-bo
- Sources of the History of the Ukulele: 1879-1929 @en
- t in a month than he could with a guitar or other string instrument in a year. A shipment of these popular... n, some time back, and the addition of the fourth string was my idea. Also I make them with five and eight... obligato with almost every number. This toy-like string instrument, made of the [[en:vok:klangholz:koa|ko... and haunting beauty in the mellow [[en:vok:saite|string]]-tone, which owes but little to the resonance-bo
- How to tune an Ukulele @en
- en:vok:stimmung|tuning]]. ==== C6 tuning ==== ^ String ^ sound ^ sound file [[en:vok:lowg]] ^ sound fil... can therefore be used excellently to tune the 1st string of an ukulele. From there you can tune all other ... ]]. >In C tuning (g, c, e, a) you tune the first string A with the tuning fork (in D tuning tune the fourth string A first). Holding the tuning fork by its base, st
- pitch accuracy and intonation @en:vok
- t least four [[saite|strings]], the notes of each string must match. Therefore, an ukulele intones properl... e obtained: <grid> <col sm="6"> == C6 Tuning == ^String^open^Hz^12th fret^Hz^ |1|a'| 440|a' '| 880| |2|... 6|g'| 392| </col> <col sm="6"> == D6 Tuning == ^String^Hz^note^12th fret^Hz^ |1|h'| 493,9|h' '| 987,8|... octave accuracy can be determined by picking each string at the 12<sup>th</sup> fret and comparing the res
- harmonics @en:vok
- is [[Bund]] can not be heard, but the rest of the string can still swing freely, only the [[en:vok:ton#ove... ett_05_koaloha.mp3}} || |Third| 3 | 4 | Each string is played open. The index finger of the [[en:vok:... lies loosely -- without exerting pressure on the string -- at the position of the specified [[en:vok:bund]] (not before) on the string. Behind it, the thumb strokes across the string a
- Quellen zur Geschichte der Ukulele: 1930-1979
- nclude fond recollection of that four-[[vok:saite|string]] instrument of torture. >The ukulele was too eas... o Comeback === >Probably the biggest surprise to string-instrument men was the comeback of the [[vok:ukul... Douglas, cannot keep pace with the demand for the string instruments. >Years ago it was customary for all ... ounds deceive you: those apparently aimless nylon string pickers are MUSICIANS. Take my word for it. >And
- high G @en:vok
- h higher. The lowest tone is therefore on the 3rd string. To extend the range (possibly also for reasons of aversion to retrograde), the 4th string can be replaced by a special string that sounds one octave lower than usual. This is no longer a fifth, but a fourth below the 3rd string. In order to distinguish between reentrant and n
- linear tuning @en:vok
- e lowest sound is therefore on the 3<sup>rd</sup> string. To extend the range (possibly also for reasons ... sion to the reentrant tuning), the 4<sup>th</sup> string can be replaced by a special string that sounds one octave lower than usual. This is no longer a fifth, but a [[en:vok:quarte]] below the 3<sup>rd</sup> string. To distinguish between reentrant and linear tun