German folk music
- Dat du min Leevsten büst/That You are my Dearest
A love song from North Germany (for 3 ukes). [3] - A German children's song about frogs, which was translated into Japanese and became a popular children's song there. With my own English translation. [4]
- Himmel und Erde
German folk song (round). [2] - Schornsteinfeger ging spazieren/Chimney sweep went for a walk
Depending on the version of a harmless nursery rhyme or rather offensive: If namely chimney sweep and girls flee to Africa, get there a black child and the family, accompanied by the pastor, immediately travels to celebrate the belated wedding … and some will find the song even racist. But everything goes well! - Schön ist die Welt/The World is beautiful
German folk song. [3] - Möge die Straße uns zusammenführen/May the road bring us together
Irish travel blessings. - Üb immer Treu und Redlichkeit/Always be loyal and honest
Folk song based on a melody by Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus