Pictures and Videos

Vorderansicht einer Resonator-Banjo-Ukulele Marke Glee Club
Front view of a resonator banjo ukulele of the glee club brand (1930)

George Formby spielt seine Banjo-Ukulele zur Unterhaltung von Truppen in der Normandie
George Formby playing his banjo ukulele while entertaining troops in Normandy (1940).
© IWM (B 8265)
Normally a banjo has five strings. In the 1920s, instruments such as the ukulele banjo, guitar banjo and banjo mandolin were developed which
The four-stringed banjo ukulele, also known as banjulele or banjuke, combined a banjo body with an ukulele fretboard and an ukulele tuning. The advantage was the higher volume compared to a simple ukulele, which was further enhanced in the version as resonator. It was particularly popular for the performance of jazz music.
- Edward Komara (Hg.): Encyclopedia of the Blues. Psychology Press 2005, S. 52–53
- Greg Horne: The Multi-Instrumental Guitarist. Alfred Music Publishing 2002
- Karen Linn: That Half-barbaric Twang: The Banjo in American Popular Culture. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1994