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- string @en:vok
- s and the length of the string. The length of the strings is standardized in most stringed instruments ([[e... uite frequently observed [[schnarren|buzzing]] of strings is due to design or handling errors. <accordion> ... ite=true> * {{youtube>O7p4J1KtWjA}} \\ Changing strings on an Ukulele with [[en:vok:steg#pin bridge]] \\ ... ok:kopf]], [[en:vok:Hals]], [[en:vok:wirbel]] and strings seen from above \\ (from: [[https://www.ukuleleye
- Quellen zur Geschichte der Ukulele: 1879-1929
- a single open [[vok:Schalloch|hole]]. [[vok:saite|Strings]] on the [[vok:griffbrett|finger-board]], twelve ... [vok:wirbel|pegs]] inserted from behind. Four gut strings fastened to a [[vok:steg|bridge]] on the soundboa... the hand and wrist as the fingers sweep over the strings. It is sometimes called the "taro-patch fiddle," ... haped like a guitar. It has only four [[vok:saite|strings]], however, and is [[vok:stimmung|tuned]] like a
- Sources of the History of the Ukulele: 1879-1929 @en
- le open [[en:vok:Schalloch|hole]]. [[en:vok:saite|Strings]] on the [[en:vok:griffbrett|finger-board]], twel... :vok:wirbel|pegs]] inserted from behind. Four gut strings fastened to a [[en:vok:steg|bridge]] on the sound... the hand and wrist as the fingers sweep over the strings. It is sometimes called the "taro-patch fiddle," ... ed like a guitar. It has only four [[en:vok:saite|strings]], however, and is [[en:vok:stimmung|tuned]] like
- Worth Creation Japan @en:vok:marke
- png}} Kōbe| ^Website|[[|Worth Strings]]| Worth is a Japanese manufacturer of high quality [[en:vok:ukulele]] [[en:vok:saite|strings]]. All strings consist of [[|fluorocarbon]], a group of plastics... //Teflon// - belongs also to this group.)) ==== Strings ==== === Lengths === Worth strings are 46 or 63
- Quellen zur Geschichte der Ukulele: 1930-1979
- rt:// What about, I mean, things like [[vok:saite|strings]] for your banjo, for your ukulele, and things li... d those sent out from home ... Mainly the ukulele strings were either uke strings or violin A or E, which was sent from home, and they did go along quite regularly.... the shipyard, to get me some ukulele [[vok:saite|strings]]. And I had a little ol' one -- >//Tony Lane://
- Sources of the History of the Ukulele: 1930-1979 @en
- rt:// What about, I mean, things like [[vok:saite|strings]] for your banjo, for your ukulele, and things li... d those sent out from home ... Mainly the ukulele strings were either uke strings or violin A or E, which was sent from home, and they did go along quite regularly.... the shipyard, to get me some ukulele [[vok:saite|strings]]. And I had a little ol' one -- >//Tony Lane://
- lute @en:vok
- al instruments that have a [[korpus]] and [[saite|strings]]. A subset of these are //necked lutes// in which the strings are carried by a stalk called [[hals]]. The necke... mond or pear-shaped, possessed one to two [[saite|strings]], no [[wirbel]] and was played with a [[plektrum... had four to eight [[Schalloch|sound holes]]. The strings were fixed at the end of the stem in a stringhold
- muting @en:vok
- stroke]] can be used to attenuate all or selected strings to a [[en:vok:akkord]] completely or partly. The strings to be muted are not pressed down as in [[en:vok:F... in [[en:vok:stimmung#C6]] tuning, the upper three strings are already in use. One of the free fingers is pu... n 1st string, while the pressure on the remaining strings is reduced until they no longer produce a [[en:vo
- bridge @en:vok
- e [[Schalloch]], to which the ends of the [[Saite|strings]] are attached. In contrast to violins, it is typ... itle="Tie Bar Bridge"> === Tie Bar Bridge === The strings are run through drill holes in the bridge and kno... ge"> === Pin Bridge === As with many guitars, the strings of some Ukuleles end in pins that are fixed behin... carousel> * {{youtube>O7p4J1KtWjA}} \\ Changing strings on an ukulele with pin bridge </carousel> </panel
- The Ukulele in Literature @en
- ndeed a woman apulse with life as she plucked the strings of an [[vok:ukulele|ukulele]] and lifted her voic... e|ukulele]] strung with two violin [[en:vok:saite|strings]], a guitar string and a [[en:vok:banjo|banjo]] s... he [[en:vok:steg|bridge]] of a violin held up the strings at the end and some [[en:vok:schalloch|sound-hole... ad, >Peter plays the ukulele. >The [[en:vok:saite|strings]] intersect over the [[en:vok:korpus|sound box]].
- tone and sound @en:vok
- nusoid. </panel> <panel title="Overtones"> The strings of a [[en:vok:ukulele]] are fixed between [[en:vo... ting a [[en:vok:Saite]] at a certain point. These strings are marked by the [[en:vok:Bund|frets]]. If the s... </panel> <panel title="Resonance"> The ukulele strings are attached to a resonant or sounding body (see ... act with the surrounding and trapped air than the strings and therefore causes stronger [[#sound]]. Moreov
- potential of the ukulele @en:didaktik
- > >An ukulele is covered with four [[en:vok:saite|strings]], while the guitar has a tone volume of six strings. Thus, the range of the ukulele is narrower and lower... ave a positive effect on very young players. Four strings are easily manageable. You will find space on a r... ts]] with light pressure. \\ The distances of the strings to each other also allow the depression of two or
- Pono MHTSH @en:uke
- | ^ [[en:vok:Mensur]] | 430 mm | ^ [[en:vok:Saite|strings]] | [[en:vok:marke:nihongoraku#Orcas]] | ^ Weight... up. Instead of the [[en:vok:saite#Aquila Nylgut]] strings that I had been expecting, it came with clear [[en:vok:string#Worth]] strings, which in principle sound great but were somethin... uly 2015, I exchanged them again with clear Worth strings after two of the red Aquila strings were torn. F
- chord diagram @en:vok
- n of a [[akkord]] or a [[tonleiter]]. The [[saite|strings]] of an [[ukulele]] are shown as lines in a recta... e [[griffbrett]], and the vertical lines mark the strings (from left to right: 4<sup>th</sup>, 3<sup>rd</su... the frets and the horizontal lines represent the strings. This corresponds to the view of the fingerboard,... n; fingers press 8th fret 1st string and 5th fret strings 2 to 4. * center right: as before, but with the
- strum @en:vok
- (towards the fourth string) without touching any strings.| |Luftschlag abwärts| silent downstroke | |The [... s (towards the first string) without touching any strings.| ==== Strumming technique ==== === Index finger === The [[i]] strokes the strings. Often, the summit of the [[p]] is placed on the ... ng the wrist. === Thumb === The [[p]] strokes the strings; on impact the fingernail touches the strings. Th