

Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

Ukulele Space (English)
11 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
el&nofooter&nolink&nodate&nouser&nomdate&noeditbutton}} <button type="warning" size="sm">[[:start|DEUTSCH]]</button><button type="danger" size="sm">[[ja:start|日本語]]</button> <button type="success" size="sm">[[en:stil:w
dynamics @en:vok
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ik&nofooter&nolink&nodate&nouser&nomdate&noeditbutton}} <accordion> <panel title="Definition" icon="gly... refers to the strength of sound (intensity) of [[ton#tone|tones]] in the two aspects of loudness and emphasis. </panel> <panel title="Loudness" subtitle="State
Improvisation @en:vok
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
on&nofooter&nolink&nodate&nouser&nomdate&noeditbutton}} > Improvisation is generally understood as an ... ]: - Establish a [[akkordfolge]], playing the [[ton|tones]] it contains in succession as [[melodie]] notes. Adapt the improvisation to the [[rhythmus]]. ... - Then add single notes that belong to the same [[tonleiter]]. - Finally, find single notes that are