Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Quellen zur Geschichte der Ukulele: 1930-1979
- 3.1930, S. 13 === 'Ukulele Souls' of Pleasure-Mad World === == Free Church Minister's Call To Battle == >"A pleasure-mad world is producing [[vok:Ukulele]] souls," declared the... should sound a call to youth. (...) >"The modern world treats them harshly. Cinemas and wireless make it... rously or romatically by proxy. > "A pleasure-mad world besieges them with new escapes from boredom. Do y
- Sources of the History of the Ukulele: 1930-1979 @en
- 3.1930, S. 13 === 'Ukulele Souls' of Pleasure-Mad World === == Free Church Minister's Call To Battle == >"A pleasure-mad world is producing [[vok:Ukulele]] souls," declared the... should sound a call to youth. (...) >"The modern world treats them harshly. Cinemas and wireless make it... ously or romantically by proxy. > "A pleasure-mad world besieges them with new escapes from boredom. Do y
- The Ukulele in Literature @en
- come from the dark forest-depths of the primeval world. The air tingled with her cry, softly imperious a... far; \\ I'm tired of hearing: \\ \\ Once all the world was growing dippy \\ For Alabam' and Mississippi,... ady grown up. I already know everything about the world. </panel> <panel title="Carson McCullers: The Hea... times she hated Bill more than anyone else in the world. >He was different entirely from what he used to
- Notes on copyright and ancillary copyright in musical works @en
- (RBC). In the meantime, almost all states in the world have joined the federation; 1998 also the USA. =... oundations of the [[|World Trade Organization]] (WTO). For its part, the United Nations in 1974 made the [[|World Intellec
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- -- 640x480 (c) (tm) (r) "He thought 'It's a man's world'..." <code> -> <- <-> => <= <=> >> << -- --- 640x480 (c) (tm) (r) "He thought 'It's a man's world'..." </code> The same can be done to produce any... nts an application that * simply displays "Hello World!" to the standard output. */ class HelloWorldApp... tring[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); //Display the string. } } </code> The fo
- Ukulelen in der Literatur
- far; \\ I'm tired of hearing: \\ \\ Once all the world was growing dippy \\ For Alabam' and Mississippi,... times she hated Bill more than anyone else in the world. >He was different entirely from what he used to ... mmed up against the kind of brutalised underclass world that also figures in Edward Bond's play //Saved//... sciously gave up, as recorded music took over our world. </panel> <panel title="Helen Garner: The Ukulel
- Records with the Ukulele @en
- }| 4,792(( [[|Guinness World Records]], [[ g}}| 2,370(([[|Guiness World Records]]))| |2012-07-28|Yokohama|{{flag:japan.png}}| 2,
- expression @en:vok
- uous messages to the listener about the emotional world of the composer, as Johann Mattheson demanded: >S... view, becomes the revelation and unfolding of the world in a superhuman sense: >Sounds are not merely phe... d interest in revealing properties of the natural world ... In nature, [[Klangfarbe]] itself gains voice.... build the material for the construction of a new world.((Friedrich von Hausegger: //Die Musik als Ausdru
- Quellen zur Geschichte der Ukulele: 1879-1929
- 1892, S. 39 </panel> <panel title="1893"> === World's Fair Music === >The musical portion of the inte... ] Delight Sweetser Prentiss: //One way round the world//. Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill 1899 (2. Aufl.), S... uliptue]], cheapest instrument of its kind in the world. At first all I could play was //(plays [[vok:akk... skimos.'" (Sheldon Bart: //Race to the Top of the World: Richard Byrd and the First Flight to the North P
- Rekorde mit der Ukulele
- }| 4.792(( [[|Guinness World Records]], [[ g}}| 2.370(([[|Guiness World Records]]))| |2012-07-28|Yokohama|{{flag:japan.png}}| 2.
- ukulele @bibtex
- da, Minoru}, title = {Letters from the 442nd: The World War II Correspondence of a Japanese American Medi... Ron''}, title = {Brown American: Philippine Life, World War II and Survival in a White Man's World}, publisher = {Xlibris Corporation}, year = {2009}, volume = ... ters}, title = {Instruments of War: The Impact of World War II on the American Musical Instrument Industr
- Sources of the History of the Ukulele: 1879-1929 @en
- Tōkyō: Chūaisha 1892, S. 39 ==== 1893 ==== === World's Fair Music === >The musical portion of the inte... ] Delight Sweetser Prentiss: //One way round the world//. Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill 1899 (2. Aufl.), S... uliptue]], cheapest instrument of its kind in the world. At first all I could play was //(plays [[en:vok:... skimos.'" (Sheldon Bart: //Race to the Top of the World: Richard Byrd and the First Flight to the North P
- Formby, George @en:bio
- d enjoyed tremendous popularity. After the Second World War he went on tours to South Africa (where he wa... to air.((Dessau 2011, S. 55)) During the Second World War, he participated in entertainment programs fo... == Bruce Dessau: //Beyond a Joke: Inside the Dark World of Stand-up Comedy//. Random House 2011, S. 49--5
- Kanui & Lula @en:ens
- ung French woman called Leilani. During the First World War, they appeared in England as //The Hawaiians ... s, including //[[song:Oua Oua]]//, which became a world hit. Further appearances, i.a. with Josephine Bak... Le Buckingham Club]])) Shortly before the Second World War, the group dissolved; from 1938 there are no
- Ohta, Herbert Ichirō @bio
- r"> * Daniel Dixon, Jayne McKay: //Ukulele: The World's Friendliest Instrument.// Layton: Gibbs Smith (...|The Wonderful World Of The Ukulele, Herb Ohta, 2000]] </panel> </acco