
Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

Penguin Cafe Orchestra
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
album by the Penguin Cafe Orchestra, opened up a world of startling possibilities. Predating by the best part of a decade the world-music phenomenon and [[
Kanui & Lula
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ung French woman called Leilani. During the First World War, they appeared in England as //The Hawaiians ... s, including //[[song:Oua Oua]]//, which became a world hit. Further appearances, i.a. with Josephine Bak... Le Buckingham Club]])) Shortly before the Second World War, the group dissolved; from 1938 there are no
Royal Hawaiian Band
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Berger has probably tho largest glee club in the world, and its first concerts will be given In San Fran
Sons of Hawaii
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ic. In particular, Kamae moved through the island world and studied the traditional folk tunes there. In
Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
:vok:ukulele|ukuleles]] and one bass). Celebrated world success with comedic performances of music of var