
In der Musikgeschichte die Epoche des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts.

Download: Einzelne Komponisten

Download: Einzelne Werke

  1. Branle englese
    Emanuel Adriaensen (1584)
    YouTube Soundslice
  2. Romanesca
    Anonym (16. Jh.|16th c.)
  3. Contrapasso Nuovo
    Mario Fabritio Caroso (1581)
  4. Die beste Zeit im Jahr ist mein
    Traditional/Martin Luther (1538)
  5. Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott1)
    Martin Luther (ca. 1529)
  6. Tant que vivray
    Claudin de Sermisy (1490–1562)
  7. Psalm 1362)
    Claude Goudimel (1568)
  8. Wie lieblich ist der Maien3)
    Johann Steurlein (1575)
  9. Ballet
    Joachim van den Hove (<1620)


  • Michael P Walker (Hg.): Giacomo Gorzanis Ten Neapolitan Songs from the Renaissance For the Baritone Ukulele. Morgan Cobb Associates 2016
  • Michael P Walker (Hg.): Guillaume Morlaye Second Book of Tablature for the Renaissance Guitar In Tablature and Modern Notation For Renaissance Guitar, Guitar, and Baritone Ukulele. Morgan Cobb Associates 2016
  • Michael P Walker (Hg.): John Dowland Selected Pieces In Tablature and Modern Notation For Renaissance Guitar and Baritone Ukulele. Morgan Cobb Associates 2017
  • Michael P Walker (Hg.): Luis Milan Six Pavanes and Four Fantasias In Tablature and Modern Notation For Baritone Ukulele. Morgan Cobb Associates 2017
  • Michael P Walker (Hg.): Simon Gorlier Third Book of Tablature for the Renaissance Guitar In Tablature and Modern Notation For Renaissance Guitar, Guitar, and Baritone Ukulele. Morgan Cobb Associates 2017
  • Michael P Walker (Hg.): Sixtus Kargel Ten Lute Pieces Transcribed For the Renaissance Guitar and Baritone Ukulele In Tablature and Modern Notation. Morgan Cobb Associates 2017
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God|神(かみ)はわがやぐら
Genfer Psalter|Genevan Psalter
Mit Lieb bin ich umfangen