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15 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
/Ukulele in the Classroom: Repertoire, Theory and Music Games for the Young Beginner.// CreateSpace Indep...|Ukulele for Music Teachers]].// 2015 * Greenberg, Marvin: "The Ukulele in Your Classroom". In: //Music Educators Journal// 79:3 (1992), 43--48. * Grim
laute @literatur:vok
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
t 2000). * Irving, M.: //Colonial Counterpoint: Music in Early Modern Manila.// Oxford: Oxford Universi... * Jaynes, E. T.: "[[|Origins of Musical Instruments.]]" In: //The Physical Basis of Music and its Implications for Musical Performance//. Wash