@Comment{refnotes, namespace = "sht:" } @COMMENT{ (Ordner)} @INCOLLECTION{6018, mypath = {7532000060188}, author = {Kemper, Peter}, annote = {}, address = {Stuttgart}, booktitle = {Global Pop: Das Buch zur Weltmusik}, editor = {Leggewie, Claus and Meyer, Erik}, key = {Geschichte, Pop}, month = {}, organization = {}, pages = {213--221}, publisher = {J. B. Metzler}, title = {Die Wiederkehr der Ukulele}, type = {}, year = {2017}, } @BOOKLET{5155, mypath = {8323700051557}, title = {Original Method and Self Instructor on the Ukulele}, author = {Santos, A.A. and Nunes, Angeline F.}, editor = {}, howpublished = {Honolulu: Santos-Nunes Studios}, address = {Honolulu}, month = {}, year = {1915}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, chapter = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5143, mypath = {8441500051437}, editor = {}, author = {}, title = {The Ukulele}, publisher = {Suzuki Vaiorin Kōjō}, year = {1926}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Nagoya}, edition = {}, month = {10}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {『ウクレレ独習』 }, } @BOOKLET{5436, mypath = {8441500054360}, title = {The Ukulele}, author = {}, editor = {}, howpublished = {Suzuki Vaiorin Kōjō}, address = {}, month = {10:18}, year = {1926}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, chapter = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {『ウクレレ独習』 }, } @BOOK{5150, mypath = {7288700051505}, editor = {}, author = {Hülsen, Ernst}, title = {Volkstümliche Schule für die Ukulele}, publisher = {Zimmermann}, year = {1927}, volume = {198}, number = {}, series = {Zimmermann-Schule}, address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5137, mypath = {8534000051370}, editor = {}, author = {}, title = {Ukulele Kyōsokuhon}, publisher = {Kyōeki Shoten}, year = {1933}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {8}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {『ウクレレ教則本』 }, } @BOOK{5144, mypath = {8355500051444}, editor = {}, author = {Shikata, Katsuo}, title = {The Ukulele Solos (How to Playing Solo)}, publisher = {Tokyo Ongaku Shoin}, year = {1934}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {四方雄男『ウクレレ独奏曲集』 }, } @BOOK{5138, mypath = {7872200051389}, editor = {}, author = {}, title = {Nishūkan Sokusei Ukulele Kyōhon (Method for the Ukulele)}, publisher = {Tōkyō Ongaku Shoin}, year = {1935}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {8}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {『二週間速成ウクレレ教本』 }, } @BOOK{5139, mypath = {8398900051393}, editor = {}, author = {}, title = {Symphonic Ukulele Solos}, publisher = {Tōkyō Ongaku Shoin}, year = {1935}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {12}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {『シンフォニックウクレレ独奏曲集』 }, } @BOOK{5141, mypath = {7872200051419}, editor = {}, author = {}, title = {Nishūkan Sokusei Ukulele Kyōhon (Method for the Ukulele)}, publisher = {Tōkyō Ongaku Shoin}, year = {1936}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {9}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {『ウクレレ教本 改訂版』 }, } @BOOK{5140, mypath = {8534000051400}, editor = {}, author = {}, title = {Ukulele bukku: 60 Jazz Songs}, publisher = {Tōkyō Ongaku Shoin}, year = {1936}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {9}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {『ウクレレブック』 }, } @BOOK{5142, mypath = {7872200051426}, editor = {}, author = {}, title = {Nishūkan Sokusei Ukulele Kyōhon (Method for the Ukulele)}, publisher = {Tōkyō Ongaku Shoin}, year = {1937}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {8}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {『ウクレレ教本 改訂版』 }, } @ARTICLE{5288, mypath = {6524100052881}, author = {Adorno, Theodor W.}, title = {Über den Fetischcharakter in der Musik und die Regression des Hörens}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung}, year = {1938}, volume = {7}, pages = {321--356}, month = {}, key = {Musik, Contents Business, Ukulele, Warenfetischismus, Kapitalismus}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {}, } @ARTICLE{5409, mypath = {7343000054097}, author = {}, title = {Informational Data on Army Music}, journal = {Music Educators Journal}, year = {1942}, volume = {29}, pages = {48}, month = {}, key = {Musik, Armee, Militär, USA, Ukulele}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {1}, } @BOOK{5328, mypath = {7722600053288}, editor = {}, author = {Maintray, Noël}, title = {Ukulélé}, publisher = {Edition de la Baconnière}, year = {1943}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Neuchâtel}, edition = {}, month = {1}, key = {Kriminalroman}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {}, } @ARTICLE{5410, mypath = {7145300054100}, author = {Giddings, T. P.}, title = {Stringless? Why?}, journal = {Music Educators Journal}, year = {1949}, volume = {35}, pages = {38--39}, month = {}, key = {Musikerziehung, Schule, Ukulele}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {6}, } @ARTICLE{5323, mypath = {8098200053232}, author = {Pulley, Marjorie}, title = {The Ukulele Goes to College}, journal = {Music Educators Journal}, year = {1953}, volume = {}, pages = {80--82}, month = {9}, key = {Ukulele, Schule, Unterricht}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {}, } @MASTERSTHESIS{5311, mypath = {7219800053113}, author = {Hamada, Harry H.}, title = {A Background and Methodology of Ancient Hawaiian Instrumental Techniques for the Seventh Grade General Music Classes in California}, school = {University of Southern California}, year = {1956}, type = {M.A.-Arbeit}, month = {6}, key = {}, url = {}, address = {}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5561, mypath = {8369400055617}, editor = {}, author = {Somera, Ron}, title = {Play the Ukulele Like a Pro in Minutes}, publisher = {Mactan Publishing}, year = {1957}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Manila}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9781497302396}, annote = {}, } @ARTICLE{5157, mypath = {6937000051579}, author = {Elbert, Samuel H. and Knowlton, Edgar C.}, title = {?Ukulele}, journal = {American Speech}, year = {1957}, volume = {32}, pages = {307--310}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {4}, } @BOOK{5176, mypath = {6635600051769}, editor = {}, author = {Bay, Bill}, title = {Fun With Strums}, publisher = {Mel Bay}, year = {1975}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Pacific}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {}, } @PDFTHESIS{5331, mypath = {7717800053312}, author = {Madhosingh, Donna-Faye}, title = {An Approach to Developing Comprehensive Musicianship in the Intermediate Grades Using the Voice and the Ukulele}, school = {University of British Columbia}, year = {1984}, type = {Dissertation}, address = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele, Erziehung, Musikunterricht, Didaktik, Kodaly}, url = {https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/831/items/1.0055109/source}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5404, mypath = {8228700054044}, editor = {}, author = {Reading, Peter}, title = {Ukulele Music}, publisher = {Secker & Warburg}, year = {1985}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {London}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9780436409868}, annote = {}, } @MASTERSTHESIS{5393, mypath = {8719500053936}, author = {Wallace, William Woodworth}, title = {A History of the Doane Ukulele Method 1961--1989: A performance-based approach to music education}, school = {University of Victoria}, year = {1989}, type = {M.A.-Arbeit}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele, Kanada, Musikpädagogik, J. Chalmers Doane}, url = {}, address = {Victoria}, annote = {}, } @PDFTHESIS{5184, mypath = {7675800051847}, author = {Linn, Karen}, title = {The changing idea of the banjo in American popular culture}, school = {Routledge}, year = {1989}, type = {Dissertation}, address = {London, New York}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, annote = {}, } @ARTICLE{5156, mypath = {7179500051560}, author = {Greenberg, Marvin}, title = {The Ukulele in Your Classroom}, journal = {Music Educators Journal}, year = {1992}, volume = {79}, pages = {43--48}, month = {11}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {3}, } @ARTICLE{5145, mypath = {8517000051458}, author = {Uchizaki, Isami}, title = {»Ukulele« or »Jumping Flea«: A Gift from Portugal}, journal = {Journal of Otemae College}, year = {1997}, volume = {31}, pages = {19--38}, month = {}, key = {Geschichte}, url = {http://ci.nii.ac.jp/els/110000046628.pdf?id=ART0000381941&type=pdf&lang=en&host=cinii&order_no=&ppv_type=0&lang_sw=&no=1425820469&cp=}, annote = {}, number = {}, } @MASTERSTHESIS{5312, mypath = {6879300053122}, author = {Drozd, Karen S.}, title = {The Hawaiian 'Ukulele: Its Players, Makers, Teachers and Continuity in Traditional Transmission Processes}, school = {University of Hawai'i}, year = {1998}, type = {M.A.-Arbeit}, month = {5}, key = {Geschichte}, url = {}, address = {Honolulu}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5177, mypath = {7549000051771}, editor = {}, author = {Kimura, H. M.}, title = {Hints and Tips for Advanced Ukulele Players}, publisher = {Mel Bay}, year = {2000}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Pacific}, edition = {2}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {}, } @ARTICLE{5008, mypath = {7553000050085}, author = {King, John and Tranquada, Jim}, title = {A New History of the Origins and Development of the 'Ukulele, 1838--1915}, journal = {The Hawaiian Journal of History}, year = {2003}, volume = {}, pages = {1--32}, month = {}, key = {Geschichte}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10524/382}, annote = {}, number = {37}, } @INCOLLECTION{5133, mypath = {7123500051334}, author = {Garner, Helen}, annote = {}, address = {Melbourne}, booktitle = {The best Australian essays 2003}, editor = {Craven, Peter}, key = {Ukulele}, month = {}, organization = {}, pages = {212--216}, publisher = {Black}, title = {Against Embarrassment}, type = {}, year = {2003}, } @MISC{5461, mypath = {8029400054613}, author = {Patzelt, Friedhelm}, howpublished = { \url{http://www.patzelt-ukulele.de}}, title = {Die Ukulele im Klassenunterricht. Eine ausführliche Methodik}, month = {1}, year = {2003}, key = {}, annote = {}, url = {http://www.patzelt-ukulele.de}, isbn = {}, crossref = {}, pages = {58}, } @BOOK{5130, mypath = {6645200051304}, editor = {}, author = {Beloff, Jim}, title = {The Ukulele: A Visual History}, publisher = {Backbeat Books}, year = {2003}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Geschichte}, url = {https://books.google.de/books?id=6oeHJJ72LCIC}, isbn = {9780879307585}, annote = {}, } @ARTICLE{5966, mypath = {7284300059668}, author = {Houston, James D. and Kamae, Eddie}, title = {From Hawaiian Son: The Life and Music of Eddie Kamae}, journal = {Manoa}, year = {2004}, volume = {16}, pages = {152--162}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1353/man.2004.0039}, annote = {}, number = {2}, } @BOOK{5403, mypath = {7553000054038}, editor = {}, author = {King, John}, title = {The Classical Ukulele}, publisher = {Hal Leonard Corporation}, year = {2004}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9780634079795}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5178, mypath = {8253500051788}, editor = {}, author = {Richter, Axel}, title = {Ukulele Handbook For Soprano, Concert, Tenor, and Baritone Uke}, publisher = {Mel Bay}, year = {2004}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Pacific}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {}, } @PDFTHESIS{5460, mypath = {7595000054601}, author = {Kurokawa, Yoko}, title = {Yearning for a Distant Music: Consumption of Hawaiian Music and Dance in Japan}, school = {University of Hawai'i}, year = {2004}, type = {Dissertation}, address = {Honolulu}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5326, mypath = {8465500053260}, editor = {}, author = {Tōma, Akihito}, title = {Natsukashiki Hapahaore Mere: Sekai wo sekkan shita Hawai Ongaku}, publisher = {Bungeisha}, year = {2005}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {2}, key = {Ukulele, Hawaii, Japan}, url = {http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/4835587685/}, isbn = {9784835587684}, annote = {東間明倫『懐かしきハパハオレ・メレ - 世界を席巻したハワイ音楽』 }, } @ARTICLE{5216, mypath = {6619400052164}, author = {Balme, Christopher B.}, title = {Selling the Bird: Richard Walton Tully’s The Bird of Paradise and the Dynamics of Theatrical Commodification}, journal = {Theatre Journal}, year = {2005}, volume = {57}, pages = {1--20}, month = {}, key = {Hawaii, Ukulele}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {}, } @BOOK{5075, mypath = {7936000050758}, editor = {}, author = {Ōhashi, Hidehiko}, title = {Solo Ukulele no Shirabe: Sutajio Jiburi Sakuhinshū -- Meishīn wo irodoru utsukushiki Merodi}, publisher = {Rittor Music}, year = {2005}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {5}, key = {}, url = {http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/4845611929/}, isbn = {9784845611928}, annote = {大橋英比個『ソロウクレレのしらべ スタジオジブリ作品集 名シーンを彩る美しきメロディ』 }, } @BOOK{5160, mypath = {6645200051601}, editor = {}, author = {Beloff, Jim and Sokolow, Fred}, title = {Ukulele Fretboard Roadmaps: The Essential Patterns That All the Pros Know and Use}, publisher = {Hal Leonard}, year = {2006}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Milwaukee}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9781423400417}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5387, mypath = {8911000053878}, editor = {}, author = {Yamauchi, Yūki and Sasao, Toshikazu}, title = {Hawai Ongaku yuruyuru Kibun}, publisher = {Intārinku Puranningu}, year = {2007}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {8}, key = {Hawaii, Ukulele, Gitarre, Musik}, url = {http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/4901285106/}, isbn = {9784901285100}, annote = {山内雄喜 and 笹尾としかず『ハワイ音楽ゆるゆる気分』 }, } @ARTICLE{5327, mypath = {7098300053270}, author = {Furukawa, Takahisa}, title = {Shōwa Senchūki no Keiongaku ni kansuru Ikkōsatsu: Kalua Kamaainas ni tsuite}, journal = {Nihon Daigaku Bunri Gakubu Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyūsho Kenkyū Kiyō}, year = {2007}, volume = {}, pages = {23--46}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele, Japan, Unterhaltungsmusik, Contents Business}, url = {http://playnet.3.pro.tok2.com/pdf/jok/kalua.pdf}, annote = {古川隆久『昭和戦中期の軽音楽に関する一考察-カルア・カマアイナスについて-』 }, number = {}, } @ARTICLE{5131, mypath = {7553000051310}, author = {King, John and Tranquada, Jim}, title = {The Singular Case of Manuel Nunes and the Invention of the Bouncing Flea}, journal = {The Galpin Society Journal}, year = {2007}, volume = {60}, pages = {85--95}, month = {4}, key = {Geschichte}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {}, } @BOOK{5560, mypath = {7742400055602}, editor = {}, author = {Masuda, Minoru}, title = {Letters from the 442nd: The World War II Correspondence of a Japanese American Medic}, publisher = {University of Washington Press}, year = {2008}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Seattle}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Nisei, USA, Zweiter Weltkrieg, Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {9780295987453}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5170, mypath = {6556500051706}, editor = {}, author = {Andrews, Lee}, title = {Scales for Soprano Ukulele}, publisher = {Mel Bay}, year = {2008}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Pacific}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele, Musik}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5415, mypath = {8369400054153}, editor = {}, author = {Somera, Veronico ''Ron''}, title = {Brown American: Philippine Life, World War II and Survival in a White Man's World}, publisher = {Xlibris Corporation}, year = {2009}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Bloomington}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {8369400054153}, isbn = {9781450007160}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5589, mypath = {7264500055899}, editor = {}, author = {Hill, James and Doane, J. Chalmers}, title = {Ukulele in the Classroom}, publisher = {Crystal Lake Media}, year = {2009}, volume = {1}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Brookfield}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9780980932690}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5394, mypath = {7264500053949}, editor = {}, author = {Hill, James and Doane, J. Chalmers}, title = {Ukulele in the Classroom. Teacher Edition}, publisher = {Crystal Lake Media}, year = {2009}, volume = {1}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Brookfield}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele, Musikpädagogik}, url = {}, isbn = {9780981143323}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5395, mypath = {7264500053956}, editor = {}, author = {Hill, James and Doane, J. Chalmers}, title = {Ukulele in the Classroom. Teacher Edition}, publisher = {Crystal Lake Media}, year = {2009}, volume = {2}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Brookfield}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9780980932683}, annote = {}, } @MASTERSTHESIS{5566, mypath = {8252500055666}, author = {Richardson, Sarah Deters}, title = {Instruments of War: The Impact of World War II on the American Musical Instrument Industry}, school = { University of South Dakota}, year = {2010}, type = {M.A.-Arbeit}, month = {7}, key = {Geschichte}, url = {}, address = {Vermillion}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5382, mypath = {8343800053824}, editor = {}, author = {Sekiguchi, Kazuyuki}, title = {Shin Ukulele Daizukan}, publisher = {Rittor Music}, year = {2010}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {6}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/4845618265/}, isbn = {9784845618262}, annote = {関口和之『新ウクレレ大図鑑』 }, } @ARTICLE{5346, mypath = {6865900053464}, author = {Dolan, Emily I.}, title = {›... This little ukulele tells the truth‹: indie pop and kitsch authenticity}, journal = {Popular Music}, year = {2010}, volume = {29}, pages = {457--469}, month = {10}, key = {Ukulele, Adorno, Kulturkritik, Authentizität, Originalität, Musik}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {3}, } @BOOK{5396, mypath = {7264500053963}, editor = {}, author = {Hill, James and Doane, J. Chalmers}, title = {Ukulele in the Classroom. Teacher Edition}, publisher = {Crystal Lake Media}, year = {2010}, volume = {3}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Brookfield}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9780981143385}, annote = {}, } @ARTICLE{5324, mypath = {8442900053243}, author = {Thiebault, Matthew D. and Evoy, Julianne}, title = {Building Your Own Musical Community: How YouTube, Miley Cyrus, and the Ukulele Can Create a New Kind of Ensemble}, journal = {General Music Today}, year = {2011}, volume = {24}, pages = {44--52}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele, Musik, Unterricht, Schule, Erziehung}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {3}, } @BOOK{5167, mypath = {7761800051670}, editor = {}, author = {Mizen, Tony}, title = {From Lute to Uke: Early Music for Ukulele}, publisher = {}, year = {2011}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele, Musik}, url = {}, isbn = {9781458406514}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5590, mypath = {7264500055905}, editor = {}, author = {Hill, James}, title = {Great Popular Songs: 20 Timeless Tunes Compiled and Arranged for Ukulele}, publisher = {Crystal Lake Media}, year = {2011}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Brookfield}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9780986853609}, annote = {}, } @ARTICLE{5146, mypath = {7941000051469}, author = {Ōki, Yūko}, title = {Innovation of Ukulele making: Case study of Urabe factory in Kyoto}, journal = {Journal of Informatics for Arts, Shōbi University }, year = {2011}, volume = {19}, pages = {27--39}, month = {3}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110008465184}, annote = {大木裕子『弦楽器製作のイノベーションに関する一考察~ウクレレメーカー占部弦楽器製作所の事例研究~』 }, number = {}, } @ARTICLE{5631, mypath = {7584000056319}, author = {}, title = {Koreans Performing for Foreign Troops: The Occidentalism of the C.M.C. and K.P.K.}, journal = {East Asian History 37 (2011)}, year = {2011}, volume = {37}, pages = {59--72}, month = {}, key = {Musik, Contents Business, Japan, Korea, USA, ZweiterWeltkrieg}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {}, } @ARTICLE{5411, mypath = {7119500054116}, author = {Ganap, Victor}, title = {Krontjong Toegoe in Tugu Village: Generic Form of Indonesian Keroncong Music}, journal = {}, year = {2011}, volume = {}, pages = {}, month = {}, key = {Indonesien, Musik, Ukulele}, url = {http://www.cavaquinhos.pt/en/CAVAQUINHO/Keroncong Indonesia History.htm}, annote = {}, number = {}, } @PDFTHESIS{5567, mypath = {7263400055671}, author = {Higashi, Guy Scott Shigemi}, title = {Musical Communitas: Gathering Around the 'Ukulele In Hawai'i and the Foursquare Church}, school = {Fuller Theological Seminary}, year = {2011}, type = {Dissertation}, address = {Pasadena}, month = {4}, key = {Theologie, Hawaii, Ukulele, Kirche}, url = {}, annote = {}, } @ARTICLE{5147, mypath = {8082600051479}, author = {Pope, Edgar W.}, title = {The many faces of »Dinah«: a prewar American popular song and the lineage of its recordings in the U.S. and Japan}, journal = {The Journal of the Faculty of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University}, year = {2011}, volume = {43}, pages = {155--190}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {}, } @BOOK{5175, mypath = {6635600051752}, editor = {}, author = {Bay, Collin}, title = {Killer Technique: Ukulele}, publisher = {Mel Bay}, year = {2012}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Pacific}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5134, mypath = {7553000051341}, editor = {}, author = {King, John and Tranquada, Jim}, title = {The 'Ukulele: A History}, publisher = {University of Hawaii Press}, year = {2012}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Honolulu}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Geschichte}, url = {}, isbn = {9780824835446}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5333, mypath = {7266200053335}, editor = {}, author = {Hindrichs, Thorsten}, title = {Zwischen »leerer Klimperey« und »wirklicher Kunst«: Gitarrenmusik in Deutschland um 1800}, publisher = {Waxmann}, year = {2012}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Münster}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Geschichte}, url = {http://books.google.de/books?id=3xWxthNdBdQC}, isbn = {9783830977186}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5389, mypath = {7511000053895}, editor = {Katsu, Seiji}, author = {}, title = {DVD de kyō kara hikeru kantan Ukurere: Ninki Songu nijūsankyoku Shūroku}, publisher = {Rittor Music}, year = {2013}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {6}, key = {}, url = {http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/4845622564/}, isbn = {9784845622566}, annote = {『DVDで今日から弾ける! かんたんウクレレ』 }, } @ARTICLE{5412, mypath = {6646600054124}, author = {Beng, Tan Sooi}, title = {Negotiating ›His Master’s Voice‹: Gramophone Music and Cosmopolitan Modernity in British Malaya in the 1930s and Early 1940s}, journal = {Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde}, year = {2013}, volume = {169}, pages = {457--494}, month = {}, key = {Musik, Ukulele, Malaysia}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {}, } @BOOK{5168, mypath = {8534000051684}, editor = {}, author = {}, title = {Ukulele Chord Encyclopedia}, publisher = {Alfred Music}, year = {2013}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Van Nuys}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele, Musik}, url = {}, isbn = {9780739089255}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5161, mypath = {7575000051619}, editor = {}, author = {Kobayashi, Kiyoshi}, title = {Ukulele Ensemble: Sutajio Jiburi Sakuhinshū}, publisher = {Doremi Music}, year = {2013}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {11}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/4285137984/}, isbn = {9784285137989}, annote = {キヨシ小林・キヨシ小林『ウクレレ アンサンブル/スタジオジブリ作品集』 }, } @BOOK{6021, mypath = {7569000060214}, editor = {}, author = {Knispel, Claudia}, title = {Beiträge zur Geschichte der Lautenistinnen und Gitaristinnen der Renaissance und des Barock (ca. 1500--1750}, publisher = {}, year = {2014}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {https://books.google.de/books?id=UZBUBAAAQBAJ}, isbn = {9783862198047}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5217, mypath = {7249400052179}, editor = {}, author = {Henck, Jutta}, title = {Das Ukulelen-Liederbuch}, publisher = {}, year = {2014}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9783980234191}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5054, mypath = {7249400050540}, editor = {}, author = {Henck, Jutta}, title = {Das Ukulelen-Weihnachts-Liederbuch}, publisher = {Kompost}, year = {2014}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Deinstedt}, edition = {}, month = {11}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9783945793008}, annote = {}, } @BOOKLET{5330, mypath = {7132200053302}, title = {Mélanges offerts à Cyril LeFevre}, author = {}, editor = {Gemgembre, Philippe}, howpublished = {Paris: \url{http://www.ukulele.fr/ftp/Melanges_pour_Cyril_LeFebvre_web.pdf}}, address = {Paris}, month = {}, year = {2014}, key = {Ukulele, Frankreich, Musik}, url = {http://www.ukulele.fr/ftp/Melanges_pour_Cyril_LeFebvre_web.pdf}, chapter = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5169, mypath = {8415500051698}, editor = {}, author = {Tamberino, Philip}, title = {Uke Can Do It! Developing Your School Ukulele Program}, publisher = {Rowman and Littlefield}, year = {2014}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Lanham}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele, Musik, Unterricht}, url = {}, isbn = {9781475804164}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5076, mypath = {8343800050762}, editor = {Sekiguchi, Yūji}, author = {}, title = {Ukulele Solo to Ukulele Hikikatari Pororūn Ukulele Miyazaki Hayao to Sutajio Jiburi}, publisher = {K.m.p.}, year = {2014}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {8}, key = {}, url = {http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/4773238860/}, isbn = {9784773238860}, annote = {『ウクレレ・ソロ&ウウレレ弾き語り ぽろろ〜んウクレレ 宮崎駿&スタジオジブリ (楽譜)』 }, } @INCOLLECTION{5357, mypath = {7098300053577}, author = {Furukawa, Toshiaki}, annote = {古川敏明『「ユカライリ」か「ウクレレ」か?:メディアトークにおける成員カテゴリー化』 }, address = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings for 33rd Japan Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences}, editor = {}, key = {Ukulele, Jake Shimabukuro, Englisch, Medien, Kommunikation}, month = {}, organization = {}, pages = {55--59}, publisher = {}, title = {Yukarairi ka Ukurere ka? Media tōku ni okeru seiin kategorī-ka}, type = {}, year = {2014}, } @ARTICLE{5429, mypath = {8325300054297}, author = {Satō, Yūki}, title = {Kōtō Gakkō no Ongaku I ni okeru Ukurere Shidō ni tsuite no Ichikōsatsu}, journal = {Studies in Art}, year = {2015}, volume = {7}, pages = {53--68}, month = {}, key = {Musikunterricht, Ukulele, Erziehung}, url = {}, annote = {佐藤雄紀『高等学校の音楽Iにおけるウクレレ指導についての一考察』 }, number = {}, } @ARTICLE{5129, mypath = {7655500051293}, author = {Lemoine, Yoann}, title = {Le Ukulélé de Woodkid}, journal = {Air France Madame}, year = {2015}, volume = {}, pages = {194}, month = {2}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {165}, } @ARTICLE{5965, mypath = {8921000059657}, author = {Yano, Christine R.}, title = {Plucking Paradise: Hawaiian 'Ukulele Performance in Japan}, journal = {Japanese Studies}, year = {2015}, volume = {35}, pages = {317--330}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/10371397.2015.1117940}, annote = {}, number = {3}, } @BOOK{5325, mypath = {7253100053251}, editor = {}, author = {Herquist, Iso}, title = {Ukulele Fitness: Dein individueller Trainingsplan für schnellen Erfolg}, publisher = {}, year = {2015}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9783955120955}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5591, mypath = {7264500055912}, editor = {}, author = {Hill, James}, title = {Booster Uke: Beyond Beginner in 10 Lessons}, publisher = {Crystal Lake Media}, year = {2016}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Brookfield}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {}, url = {}, isbn = {9781927726051}, annote = {}, } @ARTICLE{5361, mypath = {8097100053618}, author = {Prüwer, Jens}, title = {Von Hawaii ins Erzgebirge}, journal = {Guitar Acoustic}, year = {2016}, volume = {}, pages = {70--73}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele, Geschichte}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {2}, } @ARTICLE{5360, mypath = {8784100053600}, author = {Wöffler, Rainer}, title = {Workshop: Kanui & Lula: Oua Oua}, journal = {Guitar Acoustic}, year = {2016}, volume = {}, pages = {64--65}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, annote = {}, number = {2}, } @BOOKLET{5592, mypath = {7428000055920}, title = {James Hill Ukulele Initiative: Teacher Certification Program Level 1 Program Handbook}, author = {}, editor = {}, howpublished = {Brookfield: Crystal Lake Media}, address = {Brookfield}, month = {}, year = {2017}, key = {}, url = {}, chapter = {}, isbn = {}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{6016, mypath = {7527000060160}, editor = {}, author = {Keim, Aaron and Keim, Nicole}, title = {Ten Etudes for Fingerstyle Ukulele}, publisher = {Lazarus Books}, year = {2017}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele, Musik}, url = {}, isbn = {9781543922295}, annote = {}, } @INCOLLECTION{5967, mypath = {7422000059674}, author = {Jähnichen, Gisa}, annote = {}, address = {Canberra}, booktitle = {A Distinctive Voice in the Antipodes: Essays in Honour of Stephen A. Wild}, editor = {Gillespie, Kirsty and Treloyn, Sally and Niles, Don}, key = {Geschichte}, month = {}, organization = {}, pages = {375--405}, publisher = {Australian National University}, title = {The History of the ‘Ukulele »Is Today«}, type = {}, year = {2017}, } @BOOK{6015, mypath = {7532000060157}, editor = {}, author = {Kemper, Peter}, title = {Wie die Ukulele die Welt erobert: Die Beatles, Jake Shimabukuro und die Folgen}, publisher = {Hal Leonard Europe}, year = {2017}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Berlin}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Geschichte}, url = {}, isbn = {9783865439475}, annote = {}, } @BOOK{5231, mypath = {7872200052317}, editor = {Nishigaki, Shigeo}, author = {}, title = {Marugoto issatsu Ukurere}, publisher = {Ei Shuppansha}, year = {2004}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {Tōkyō}, edition = {}, month = {8}, key = {Geschichte}, url = {http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/4777901335/}, isbn = {9784777901333}, annote = {『丸ごと一冊ウクレレ』 }, } @BOOK{6073, mypath = {8092200060733}, editor = {}, author = {Pretor-Pinney, Gavin and Hodgkinson, Tom}, title = {The Ukulele Handbook}, publisher = {A and C Black}, year = {2013}, volume = {}, number = {}, series = {}, address = {London}, edition = {}, month = {}, key = {Ukulele}, url = {}, isbn = {9781408836293}, annote = {}, }